Welcome to Grayhawks Cheerleading!
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the Grayhawks Cheerleading team.
Registration for the 2023 Grayhawks Cheerleading Season will close on August 1, 2023, and will be capped at 40 participants.
This season, we intend to have two squads:
· Junior Varsity (JV) – Grades 1-3
· Varsity – Grades 4-8
We will all practice together and, depending on the number of volunteer coaches, may cheer at separate games aligned with the football teams. Throughout the season, we rely on the Varsity girls to serve as role models for our younger teammates. However, JV and Varsity teams will be in separate areas for most practices/games, allowing all to practice and cheer at their appropriate skill level.
Cheer Camp will take place at the RVA pavilions on the following days:
· Camp Day 1: Mon. Aug. 28, 4:30-6:30
· Camp Day 2: Tues. Aug. 29, 4:30-6:30
· Camp Day 3: Thurs. Aug. 31, 4:30-7:00
Your child must attend the camp sessions. We will learn all the cheers, stunts, and dances during camp.
A note on the dates: We recognize camp takes place during the last days of summer vacation, and many will have their first day of school on Aug. 30. We are trying our best to squeeze in the camp to allow you to enjoy your last full week of summer and Labor Day weekend. We did the best we could and appreciate any flexibility you have on your end to ensure your child’s participation.
Grayhawks will provide the cheerleading uniforms and pom-poms. You will be required to return these at the end of the season. We will also purchase each cheerleader a personalized Grayhawks Cheerleading jacket/sweatshirt, bag for carrying cheer items to games, and cheer bows. These items will be yours to keep.
Each cheerleader will be responsible for purchasing the following items and ensuring all items are in their cheer bag for each game.
· short black spandex shorts (can wear at practice and under skirts at games)
· black sports bra
· black tank top
· white ankle socks
· all white cheer shoes or tennis shoes
· long sleeve black dry fit or turtleneck shirt
· long black stretch pants or yoga pants
· clear rain poncho
These items do not need to be new; feel free to use things you may already have.
Following camp, we will have practice one day a week (typically held at the RVA pavillions). Starting on Wednesday, Sept. 6, practice will be held from 4-5:30 pm.
The practice schedule is subject to change and may alternate for some weeks.
I do not believe the game schedule has been released yet, but many games have historically occurred on Sunday afternoons. As soon as I get visibility into the game schedule, I will pass this information along.
Please note that Grayhawks Cheerleading is 100% volunteer-run. Kim Sauer and I will be coaching the varsity squad and we are looking for additional coaches for our JV squad. No cheer experience is required; we can assist with teaching all the cheers initially.
This year we will require all cheerleaders to raise $50 through fundraising efforts, alternatively, you may choose to waive this requirement by volunteering with the program. We will be reaching out with a SignUpGenius with additional volunteer opportunities.
As they say, it takes a village, so please let us know if you are interested and willing to volunteer!
Looking forward to a fun season. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kristen Lewis
Grayhawks Cheerleading Director