Equipment Handout and First Practice Schedule
Dear Grayhawks parents and guardians,
We are conducting an equipment handout for the 7th & 8th graders Wednesday, August 3rd, starting at 5:45 PM. If your child is unable to attend, he can get his equipment on the first night of practice which is Monday, August 8th, or whichever day that they first attend.
The equipment handout for 5th and 6th-graders is also Wednesday evening, but starting at 6:30 PM. If your child is unable to attend, he can get his equipment on the first night of practice which should be Monday, August 8th, or whichever day that they first attend.
The equipment handout for the 3rd and 4th graders is Thursday, August 4th, starting at 5:45 PM. If your child is unable to attend, he can get his equipment on the first night of practice which should be Monday, August 8th, or whichever day that they first attend.
As of now, all levels will practice Monday through Thursday from 5:45 to 7:30 PM unless the coaches for each level change this.
Practice is normally this time frame up until the first game which will be the weekend after Labor Day. We will also have some scrimmages those dates will be determined hopefully in the next week.
As soon as the schedule comes out, I will post it. Each level will have two games per week. One game is on the weekend which can be Saturday night or Sunday. The second game can possibly be Monday or Tuesday.
The second game schedule does not come out until the end of August. The league has to get the weekend games set before doing the weeknight games.
I will host a parent meeting Tuesday, August 9th at 6:00 PM under the pavilion at RVA Fields. If needed we may have parent meetings per level the following week.
All practices and equipment handouts are at RVA Fields in Boonton Township (353 Powerville Rd). Our shed and the practice field are to the right of the playground.
If anyone would like to help with coaching, we really need some people for the 5th and 6th-grade (Pee Wee) team. If you are interested, please let me know ASAP.
We need the help mostly for practice. Whatever time you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
John Whritenour
Program Director